This program has no right to call itself professional. It crashes attempting to run it's basic functions... REPEATEDLY. They offer no diagnostic or even an explanation as to why it crashes... you CANNOT run professional karaoke on this program, It will crash at AT LEAST 20% of your shows... no recourse either, they can't even manage their own forums which is the only place you can even try to get it fixed, just can't register... I'm considering looking into a class action lawsuit. The product DOES NOT OPERATE AS ADVERTISED. You'll look like a fool trying to run this in public, I have... enough times to almost buy the featureless Karafun. ANY SOFTWARE DEVELOPERS WITH CURSORY COMPETENCE, PLEASE MAKE SOMETHING THAT ACTUALLY FUNCTIONS!!! You could corner the niche market filled with inept coders who would never be able to compete in a widely popular market.
Why does it take days to load the library? I have sorted all to have same type heading. Using a SSD drive, Win 7 Pro? Can I use this library on my Player Recorder? I own four of The (power Karaoke) products. why must we pay for updates because they fix bugs?
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